Welcome To the World of Science

Come explore world of science with us. We will delve into scientific discoveries that changed the world, explore the outer space, get closer to the atomic world, dive deep into the oceans and play around with scientific experiments.



From Aristotle to Stephen Hawking physics have grown very fast. 20th century was the golden year of physics. Laws of motion, Maxwell's Equation, Einstein's Relativity and Quantum Physics are some of the most fascinating things to learn physics.


Chemistry is something that is filled with exciting stuff. From discovery of element to creating complex compound this subject have completely changed the world. Marie Curie brought revolution in chemistry with the discovery of radiation and opened new door for modern chemistry.


Biology have unveiled some of greatest misteries of life. From single cell to multicellular organisms biology have always fascinated humans. With Gene editing and cloning it have ability to bring big revolution in the lifestyle of human beings.

Importance of Science

Science is the field of studying nature. Human life is gravely dependent on science. It helps us understand how universe work?, How life forms? It took us to moon, helped us to go deep into the ocean. It is because of we humans are able to influence earth and its life at great scale.

Though we have achieved many great things with science. It have also adversely affected life on earth.

Importance of Science

Photo by Halacious on Unsplash

Science Facts

Science facts

Science Facts

Here's an interesting fact, there are more atoms in a single grain of sand than grains of sand in all of earth beaches. Strange? now here's another one, there are more atoms in glass of water than glasses of water in all of the oceans on the earth.

Nature is filled with such amazing and strange facts. And we will share those fascinating facts that will boggle your mind.

Here are few more:

  • A teaspoonful of neutron star would weigh 6 billion tons.
  • Chalk is made from trillions of microscopic plankton fossils
  • If you took out all the empty space in our atoms, the human race could fit in the volume of a sugar cube

Great Scientists

Many people have contributed in the field of science. It is because of them we are able to understand and use science and technology to make our lives better. Here we will share fascinating stories of these great scientist and their wonderful discoveries and invention.


Sir Isaac Newton

Physicist and Mathematician


Albert Einstein

Theoretical Physicist


Marie Curie

Chemist and Physicist


Richard P. feynman

Theoretical Physicist

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